Privacy Policy


We are committed to providing our customers with truly excellent customer service. We recognise that customers value their data and privacy, and so we treat our customer data with great care. This webpage sets out how and when we collect, use and share your personal information that you, or others, provide to us.


What information do we collect and how is it used?


When someone visits our website, we collect standard internet log information and details of visitor behavior patterns to find out things such as the number of visitors to various parts of the website. We collect this information in a way which does not identify individuals, and we do not make any attempt to find out the identities of those visiting. We will not associate any data gathered from this site with any personally identifying information from any source. If we do want to collect personally identifiable information through our website, we will highlight this in advance. We will make it clear when we collect personal information and will explain what we intend to do with it. When you submit your personal details to us via our ‘contact us’ function, we will use that information to respond to your message. Your message will be relayed to the relevant department who will respond directly to you. We will never share, trade, or sell your information to a third party for marketing purposes.


Who has access to data?


Any personal information processed via the website, i.e., the website ‘contact us’ function, will only be shared internally with Eco Mind LTD staff if access to that information is necessary for the performance of their roles. Occasionally, we may be required to share information with a competent public authority, government, regulatory or fiscal agency, where it has been deemed necessary to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation. In all circumstances, the data will be subject to confidentiality arrangements.


How do we protect data?


Eco Mind LTD has implemented a number of operational controls and internal policies to ensure that your data is not lost, accidentally destroyed, misused, or disclosed, and is not accessed except by employees in the performance of their duties. Should any data be transferred outside of the European Economic Area, it will be protected by appropriate transfer safeguards, which guarantee an adequate level of data protection wherever your data is physically kept. When we engage suppliers and partners to process data on our behalf, we do so on the basis of written instructions, ensuring the third party has implemented appropriate technical and organizational measures to ensure the security of data. In all circumstances, we will ensure that the data is protected and transferred in a manner consistent with applicable data protection laws.


How long do we retain data?

Eco Mind LTD shall only retain data for as long as necessary to fulfill the purpose for which it was collected before securely deleting it.


Payment Card Details Transmission and Security Policy


  • Secure Transmission Method: At Eco Mind LTD, we prioritize the security of payment card details during transmission. We strictly adhere to industry-standard security protocols when handling and transmitting payment card information. We utilize secure and encrypted transmission methods to safeguard this sensitive data.
  • Use of Secure Sockets Layer (SSL): All payment card transactions on our website are protected by SSL encryption. SSL establishes a secure and encrypted connection between the user’s web browser and our server, ensuring that payment card details are transmitted securely and cannot be intercepted by unauthorized parties.
  • Compliance with Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards (PCI DSS): We are fully compliant with the Payment Card Industry Data Security Standards. These standards ensure the secure handling, storage, and transmission of payment card information. Our compliance is regularly assessed and validated to maintain the highest level of security.
  • Limited Storage of Payment Card Details: We follow a strict policy of minimizing the storage of payment card details. We do not retain complete payment card information in our systems after the transaction is completed. This reduces the risk associated with storing sensitive data and helps protect our customers from potential security breaches.
  • Trusted Payment Processors: We partner with reputable and trusted payment processors to handle the transmission of payment card details. These processors have their own stringent security measures in place, ensuring the secure transmission and processing of payment information.
  • Employee Access and Training: Only authorized personnel who require access to payment card details for legitimate business purposes are granted permission. Our employees undergo rigorous training on data security and privacy practices to ensure the responsible handling of sensitive information.
  • Periodic Security Audits: We conduct regular security audits and assessments to identify any vulnerabilities in our systems and processes. These audits help us maintain a secure environment for the transmission of payment card details and allow us to promptly address any potential security risks.
  • Compliance with Applicable Laws and Regulations: We strictly adhere to all relevant data protection laws and regulations governing the transmission and handling of payment card details. We continuously monitor and update our policies to ensure ongoing compliance with evolving legal requirements.
  • Customer Awareness and Responsibility: We encourage our customers to take necessary precautions when transmitting payment card details. This includes using secure and trusted networks, regularly updating their devices and software, and being vigilant against potential phishing or fraudulent activities. At Eco Mind LTD, we are committed to protecting the confidentiality and integrity of payment card details during transmission. Our Payment Card Details Transmission Policy ensures that robust security measures are in place to safeguard sensitive information, providing our customers with a secure payment experience.



Our website may contain links to third-party sites. This privacy notice does not apply to those third-party sites. We recommend that you read the privacy notices of any other sites that you visit, as we cannot accept responsibility for the privacy practices of these sites, which may differ from ours.


Your rights


As a data subject, you have a number of rights, as follows:

  • To access and obtain a copy of your data on request
  • To change incorrect or incomplete data
  • To delete or stop processing your data, for example, where the data is no longer necessary for the purposes of processing
  • To object to the processing of your data in certain circumstances
  • To stop processing data for a period if data is inaccurate or there is a dispute about whether or not your interests override our legitimate grounds for processing data

If you would like to exercise any of these rights or if you are unhappy with the way that Eco Mind LTD has processed your personal data, please contact us.

If you believe that we have not complied with your data protection rights, or you are not satisfied with our response, you can complain to the Information Commissioner via www.ico.org.uk.

If you have any further questions about anything in this Policy, please contact us.


Changes to this Privacy Policy

We may update this privacy notice from time to time, and it is recommended that you review it on occasion for possible changes. This privacy notice was last updated on 30 May 2024.